
Hi! I'm Robin (They/Them). I'm 21 and i'm living in the UK! Gay as all hell! My DMs are always open!I play Final Fantasy XiV!
Eclair Aryes (Leviathan)

hi! i like to play a lot of JRPGs in my free time bcus most other video game genres don't catch my attention for long enough. i'm autistic but also semi struggling with depressive episodes (& ptsd).

These are the OCs i've collected throughout the years tbh

Eclair AryesAge: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Current Partner: G'raha Tia
Canon Job: BRD/DNC
Personality: Can't really understand the harder stuff but trusts those around him to make the right decision in those situations. Incredibly protective of friends & others.Art Credit: Duskingcos

Mille-feuille AryesAge: 29
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Canon Job: Alchemist/chemist (if its ever made)
Personality: Dislikes everyone. Aggressive towards everyone he knows. Won't listen to what you say, his plans are always right and you know that. High intelligence but an asshole

Kin DranexMy old/original 'sona. I stopped using him due to him being in art with my abusive ex, but recently i've grown to love my old 'sona again.Art Credit: Van/Vanbot/AEROVOLUME (they keep deleting :( )

ByakkoMy newer sona that I bought from scpkidd in a panic one day because I got scared of my old sona, but he's been a great help for me & my mental health and I love him.Art Credit: Moon/friend (She doesn't have any social media :( ) / Enterdragongalaxy

RuneI bought him as an adopt and I just... love him so much!! he's just personally a great character to have!Art Credit: toto / LVCIDOG (Can't find their accounts :( )